Tuesday, June 9, 2009

3 wishes...

My birthday is coming up in less than a month and I was thinking, this one is going to be different from what I used to. I've decided not to have a birthday party and no sumptuous meals in the table. Instead, a quiet time with my family (hubby and Ella) and 3 prayers that I would like to share to everyone.
First, I would like to thanked God for what He has given to my family. A successful career for my husband. For making Noel a dedicated, loving, unselfish husband and dad to our family. For a healthy and happy daughter that He gave us. And for making me a strong person as I am now. Also for a beautiful and contented life that we have right now: a small but a happy home, foods in our table, and other stuffs that make us happy.
Secondly, I wish for good health to everyone in my family. I believe that a healthy body will lead to a happy and normal life. I once said this to some friends and to hubby. That the mere thought of the word "hospital" is giving me a phobia. And true enough, after what happened last year, I always wished for good health and nothing else for my family. Knowing that everyone is not sick is giving me peace of mind.
And for my Last prayer, I wish for strength. Strength to be a good wife and mom as my family would like me to be. Strength to be a good daughter and sister to my other family as I know after Papa left, they look up to me for decisions and they see me to be their protector. And overall strength for any circumstances that may come my way in the future.
Things really changed. If I was asked 10 years ago for 3 wishes, I could have wished for anything tangible but not these 3 that I wrote. This means we grow as a person. We don't get stagnant. I - for a fact, have witnessed some changes in my beliefs over the past years and this feels even better =)
Live. Laugh. Love.