Thursday, May 21, 2009

Mother's Day at Bowness Park

I know it's quite late but I only have now to post some pictures of what happened last Mother's Day.

Mother's Day is always a Sunday, family day for some families and last time it turn out to be Noel's off from work. We initially do not have any plan that time. I was just thinking of just spending it at home with my hubby and daughter in front of the TV with a large size Boston Pizza in Tropical Chicken flavor! (yummmmm!). But 2 days before that, our good friend Will (our Argentinian compadre) gave hubby a call and was inviting us for a day at the park on Mother's day. Of course, as we do not have any plans yet, Noel immediately said yes. So came Sunday, we were preparing to go to Bowness Park. Will and his family is already waiting for us at the park. It was a good afternoon, although it was raining in the morning but during the afternoon, the sun is in its peak and we all enjoyed Will's burger and hotdog. I brought some cupcakes to go with it as well. The park was crowded as usual, everywhere you will find families spending time together, playing in the park or with their kids. I am my usual mood to play with Ella in the swing while Noel and Will play catch ball. It was a very light moment and I must say I did enjoyed it. One of the nicest ways to celebrate Mother's day.

Here are the pics of our bonding time with Will and his family.

Of course, the celebration wouldn't be complete without my presents from hubby. He gave me a wallet and my latest favorite craze now, my Wii Board with Wii Fit. He also gave me a bag (not in the pic yet). I just love being pampered on my day! =) Again, as always, looking forward for next year!