Monday, April 27, 2009

Right timing

People tend to get disappointed on a lot of things. Simple ones and more so on the more bigger and complicated ones. And I don't exempt myself to any of these. In fact, the littlest things upsets me so you can just imagine how i feel if I am faced with the bigger problem. For months now, I have been whinning about certain things to my husband. I know he's just taking it but lately he has been very honest to me and I know he's also upset that I am upset. And for him to worry about my disappointments is really not fair. Few months ago, I made a decision that any mom will make if caught in that scenario. Apart from that, I came from a very sad situation that stresses me so hard and up to this date, I am still not over it. The decision that I made is by far the right thing to do given that scenario. I was very happy with that and I know up until now, I am still happy that I was matured enough to choose the right thing. But I thought it was only for a short period of time... Months passed and my disappointments grew bigger and sometimes uncontrollable that I am letting it out to my love ones. I know its wrong but I guess I just needed an outlet and letting it out to them would free me from the stress that is building in my head. I know and I still believe that God has plans and everything will fall in its place as according to his will. Everything happens for a reason and I am still waiting for the right timing and will continue to wait up until He is ready to give it to me. And for now, I chose to just go with the flow, enjoy life and trust that He will give my heart's desire very soon.